Guide to Identify your Personal Purpose

I invite you to download this PDF in which, through a series of questions about yourself and about your life, you will be able to recognize what your Talents are and what are the things that you are passionate about.

The point where both things meet is your UNIQUE ZONE and when you put your talents and your passion at the service of others, you connect with your ZONE OF INFLUENCE. This is the area in which you can give more value to the world, so it is the area in which your Personal Purpose is located.

When you feel that you have found it, use it as your permanent guide and as your greatest support in times of difficulty. Clarity of purpose will help you make better decisions, help you stay on track, and fill you with a lot of energy and enthusiasm to live life with greater enjoyment.

When facing any task or work that you have to do, ask yourself how you can live your personal purpose through this task or work. You will discover that you can practically live your purpose in any task, in any job, in any position and in any company. This will give you more flexibility to adapt and take advantage of the opportunities that life offers you.